
Bio Atao - Web Designer + Developer

Adobe XD

I designed and developed a website for a client using Django and basic HTML/CSS/JS.

Bio Atao Logo
  1. Designing the Website to Align with Client Goals:

    Understanding the client’s objectives: This involves discussing and comprehending the specific goals, target audience, and desired features of the website. Creating wireframes and mockups: Designing visual representations of the website’s layout, structure, and user interface elements to get client approval before proceeding to the development phase. Ensuring a user-centric design: Focusing on creating an intuitive and visually appealing design that enhances user experience and aligns with the client’s brand.

  2. Developing the Frontend Using HTML/CSS/JS:

    HTML (HyperText Markup Language): Structuring the content of the website using HTML to define the elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Styling the HTML elements to achieve a visually appealing layout, including aspects like colors, fonts, and spacing. JS (JavaScript): Adding interactivity and dynamic features to the website, enhancing user engagement and responsiveness.

  3. Coding the Backend in Django:

    Choosing Django: Django is a high-level web framework for Python that facilitates rapid development and follows the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle. Database Integration: Setting up a database using Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to store and retrieve data efficiently. User-Friendly Admin Panel: Implementing an administration panel in Django to allow the client to easily manage and modify content on the website without requiring technical expertise.

  4. Creating an Administration Panel for User Modifications:

    User-Friendly Interface: Ensuring that the administration panel is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing the client to update content, manage users, and perform other administrative tasks effortlessly. Security Measures: Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the administration panel and protect sensitive data. Documentation: Providing clear documentation for the client on how to use the administration panel effectively.

  5. You can find the website here: Bio Atao

PS: This description was AI generated. I only gave the basic steps.